Hello. My name is Breanna and I am animals' #1 defender. It hurts to see so many abused animals. People in this world are cruel. And I regret looking at a hurt animal.
There are many things that people do. Thousands. But these are the most common things that people do to abuse animals.
1) Left them out on the street to die.
2) Does not feed their pet.
3) Hurts them.
4) But chemicals and poison in their bodies.
5) Give them fluids to put them to sleep.
See how many things people do? Well I want to stop it.
People don't realize that animals are LIVING BEINGS. They have HEARTS and FEELINGS. People overlook these special traits and just hurt them. Inside and out. Just imagine if someone did something like that to YOU, and everyone was worried about you, looking at you with helpless eyes. You couldn't talk. But inside you were screaming "HELP ME HELP ME....please...plea...pl...p..." HOW WOULD YOU FEEL? WHAT WOULD YOU DO? THINK OF THE ANIMALS.
Now you may be thinking, what can I do? Well if you see an animal on the street, wandering, pick it up and bring it to the vet. They will treat it and find its owner. If they don't find its owner, they'll send it to an animal league shelter and they will help find an owner. Well if you want to help animals in a shelter, save up a lot of money - Make your goal atleast $300.00. Then, you can donate that money to the shelter, and they will be able to buy more food, shelter, and toys for the animals in the shelter.
There are many other ways to help, and think on your own! Think of great ideas! STOP ABUSE!
Here are some pictures of abused animals. I'm not doing this to scare you. I'm doing this so you can see what it is like.
see? HELP ME. |
two broken legs and stomach surgery. |
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